Category: Being Young
Three Young South Africans: Part 3
Many years have passed since the end of apartheid. Does this mean that skin colour is not an issue anymore and that everybody has the same opportunities? Is there gender equality in South Africa? The three friends talk about these matters in this last film about the three South African friends. Length: 06:21.
Being Young in New Delhi
Sana Sra is 18 and lives in New Delhi. In her family, gender equality is obvious. She knows she is privileged in a country where millions of women lack the right to basic education. Sana Sra talks about education, sports, and sexual harassment, but also about India’s diversity. Length: 17:19.
Make Love Not Scars: Part 2
Ria talks about the acid attack victims and their chemical burns. She also explains how she tries to raise awareness about this horrible gender-based violence. Length: 06:19.
Make Love Not Scars: Part 1
Ria Sharma is an extraordinary young woman. She saw a picture of a victim of an acid attack, which gave her life new direction. She decided to set up an organisation to help these women. Watch the film and learn about how it started and how her own perspectives have changed. Length: 10:44.
All You Want to do is Be Yourself: Part 2
Hayli’s mother, Shannon, explains how she became a drug addict after growing up with abuse and drugs and what it took for her to quit using heroin. After years and years of using, it was Hayli who made her realise it couldn’t go on anymore. Hayli told her mother she wouldn’t see her anymore unless…
Living in Ferguson, Missouri: Part 2
There is a lot of violence in America, and even more so, in neighbourhoods with low socio-economic status. In St Louis, Missouri, there are many such neighbourhoods where the crime rate is high and where people move out because they feel unsafe. The mother and daughter you will meet in this film express their frustration…
Three Young South Africans: Part 2
Dean, Sinayo and JP (Jean Paul) talk about why it is important to follow your dreams and also about the importance of education. Dean has always had a dream map. Do you want to know what that is? Watch the film, and you will find out. Length: 06:43.
Three Young South Africans: Part 1
Dean, Sinayo and JP (Jean Paul) are three young South Africans living in townships in Cape Town. They are all students at Ubuntu Academy, which is an education space for arts, entrepreneurship and leadership. Dean is a dancer; Sinayo is a singer whereas JP is into rap and music production. In this first film they…