Tag: supreme court
American Government: Part 2 – The Executive Branch
The US President is one of the most powerful people in the world. Nonetheless, the President is dependent on the Congress and the Supreme Court to carry out his or her politics. He or she lives in 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue – in the White House. Did you know that the White House was once burned…
American Government: Part 3 – The Judicial Branch
The Supreme Court is an important part of the three branches of government. It has the power to influence the politics for decades. The Supreme Court consists of nine justices who are all appointed for life by the President. However, currently there are only eight, despite the fact that the President has appointed a ninth…
American Government: Part 1 – The Legislative Branch
In 1776 America signed the Declaration of Independence and started a war with Britain to win their independence. America emerged victorious and immediately started to plan their own government. At this time most countries had a Monarchy/Royal family who were often powerful tyrants. America wanted a democracy, which was very unusual at the time. The…