Category: Struggles
The Veteran: Part 1
Gary is a war veteran. He served in Iraq, where he was badly wounded in action. Like so many other veterans, he has faced many challenges after coming home to USA. We met him on a street in New York City where he was sitting on the pavement, with a sign in front of him…
All You Want to do is be Yourself: Part 1
Everybody hurts sometimes, and some people more than others. Hayli is seventeen and has struggled most of her life. She was abused by her father and her mother was incapable of taking care of her due to drug abuse. She has been in and out of serious periods of depression and has a history of…
The Veteran: Part 2
Gary used to be a soldier in Iraq, and now he is sitting on a pavement with a sign. He talks about how that makes him feel. He feels embarrassed. He is a plumber and he hopes for a job, but as he put it: “I can’t get nothing going”. Length: 08:50.
Three Young South Africans: Part 3
Many years have passed since the end of apartheid. Does this mean that skin colour is not an issue anymore and that everybody has the same opportunities? Is there gender equality in South Africa? The three friends talk about these matters in this last film about the three South African friends. Length: 06:21.
All You Want to do is Be Yourself: Part 2
Hayli’s mother, Shannon, explains how she became a drug addict after growing up with abuse and drugs and what it took for her to quit using heroin. After years and years of using, it was Hayli who made her realise it couldn’t go on anymore. Hayli told her mother she wouldn’t see her anymore unless…
Living in Ferguson, Missouri: Part 2
There is a lot of violence in America, and even more so, in neighbourhoods with low socio-economic status. In St Louis, Missouri, there are many such neighbourhoods where the crime rate is high and where people move out because they feel unsafe. The mother and daughter you will meet in this film express their frustration…
A Single Mum´s Story
Ayu is a young South-African woman who was born and raised in a small town. She came to Cape Town on the pretence of a good job, but the job turned out to be very different from what her employer had promised. There was little Ayu could do because she needed the money as she…
Homeless in LA: Part 2
Angel has been very successful in getting people off the streets. It is easy for him to connect with people on the street because he was once a gang member and a heroin addict. He knows how to give people hope in the midst of hopelessness, and he uses himself as an example of how…