Category: Education and Work
At a Fashion Shoot in London: Part 1
Have you ever dreamt of becoming a model? Welcome to a photo shoot in London. Lucinda was scouted and started modelling when she was 14 years old. Then she quit for some years before she started again. She really likes her part time work and she has also learnt to be confident within herself, which…
At the Cheetah Conservation Fund: Part 4
You have probably heard of narcotics dogs and bomb detection dogs but maybe not cheetah scat dogs. It is just amazing what dogs can be trained to do. When Tiger indicates that he has found a cheetah scat, Eli brings it to the laboratory to analyse it. This way the dogs help us find out…
A Township Youth
What is it like to be a young man living in a township? Vume knows all about it. He was born and raised in the Langa Township. He tells us everything we need to know about school and daily life. Enjoy. Length: 09:53.
Anna – A Street Performer in Glasgow
Anna has been playing instruments since she was four years old. She is extremely passionate about music, and her goal for the future is to work either as an artist, an audio technician or a tour manager, in the music industry. Today she is playing the guitar and singing in the middle of a pedestrian…