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Walkabout Voices

Category: Education and Work

  • Fortune – A Dancer from Liverpool

    Fortune moved from the Philippines to Liverpool as a child. After secondary school, he studied at LIPA – Liverpool Academy of Performing Arts. He speaks about life in Liverpool and his passion for dancing. Length: 08:58.

  • The Journalist: Part 2

    Rick tells the story of how he took the photograph of the dead body of an immigrant in Brooks County, close to the border of Mexico. You may already have seen the photograph if you watched the film Refugees in McAllen, Texas: Part 3 and heard Deb Boyce talk about the horrendous realities of people…

  • At the Cheetah Conservation Fund: Part 5

    Paige and Grace are working at the clinic, and they just love it. Paige is an intern for a few months before she starts studying to be a vet. Grace is only twenty but she is a fully qualified, no, we won’t tell you. Watch the film instead and find out for yourself. Length: 07:34.

  • At the Cheetah Conservation Fund Part: 1

    The Cheetah is an endangered species. It is losing its natural habitat and venturing into farmland. Many cheetahs have been killed by farmers while protecting their livestock. The Cheetah Conservation Fund therefore created a programme where they raised guard dogs and gave them to the farmers. They use Anatolian Shepherd Dogs for this purpose. They…

  • At the Cheetah Conservation Fund: Part 2

    Ryan knows the cheetahs very well and can easily tell them apart. Every day he runs them, feeds them and cares for them. Did you know that cheetahs are really picky when it comes to food? Let’s join Ryan and his assistant during some of their daily routines at CCF. Length: 06:35.

  • At a Fashion Shoot in London: Part 2

    The models wouldn’t look the same without the make-up artists. Chloe tells us why she enjoys her work as a make-up artist so much and about the challenge of not being paid. She is doing it to build up her portfolio so that she can make money from her passion in the future. Sophie talks…

  • Reading and Writing: Part 1 – Becoming a Good Reader

    How do we become good readers? Dr Josune (Josie) Urbistondo teaches literature and creative writing at the College of Arts and Sciences in Miami. She speaks about how important it is to use our own life experience when we read literature. There is no right or wrong interpretation, as long as we back up our…

  • At a Fashion Shoot in London: Part 1

    Have you ever dreamt of becoming a model? Welcome to a photo shoot in London. Lucinda was scouted and started modelling when she was 14 years old. Then she quit for some years before she started again. She really likes her part time work and she has also learnt to be confident within herself, which…

  • At the Cheetah Conservation Fund: Part 4

    You have probably heard of narcotics dogs and bomb detection dogs but maybe not cheetah scat dogs. It is just amazing what dogs can be trained to do. When Tiger indicates that he has found a cheetah scat, Eli brings it to the laboratory to analyse it. This way the dogs help us find out…

  • A Township Youth

    What is it like to be a young man living in a township? Vume knows all about it. He was born and raised in the Langa Township. He tells us everything we need to know about school and daily life. Enjoy. Length: 09:53.