Category: USA
Santa Monica Fire Fighters: Part 1
At the Santa Monica Fire Department’s training location, a group of recruits are practising what they have learnt. All of a sudden there is a real call-out. A plane is in trouble. It turns out to be the famous Hollywood actor Harrison Ford (Indiana Jones, Star Wars etc.) who has crash-landed… Length: 05:46.
Black Lives Matter
Muhiyidin lives in Charleston, South Carolina. As a young black man, he has experienced racism and injustice, and currently he is engaged in the Black Lives Matter movement. In this film Muhiyidin talks about the birth of Black Lives Matter, about black people being killed by the police and the high number of young black men ending…
At the Dolphin Research Center: Part 4
In Part 4, Loriel explains why she decided to become a dolphin trainer and how she learned to train them and recognize them as individuals. It has taken years, but for Loriel it has been a thrill. She loves every minute together with the dolphins and for her it doesn’t feel like work. It feels…
At the Dolphin Research Center: Part 3
You probably already know that dolphins are very intelligent animals, but did you know that their brains are unique in the sense that they sleep with only one-half of the brain while the other half is awake? There is a reason for this, and you will learn about this in Part 3. We can find…
At the Dolphin Research Center: Part 2
In Part 2, we learn about how dolphins are trained. Loriel is a very experienced trainer and she shows us things we didn’t know and haven’t seen before. For example, did you know how they take blood samples from a dolphin? Dolphins are actually trained to participate in their own health care. Length: 10:17.
At the Dolphin Research Center: Part 1
In the Florida Keys, more precisely in Grassy Key about an hour’s drive from Miami, you’ll find the Dolphin Research Centre. Thousands of people, most of them school kids or students come every year to learn about one of the planet’s most fascinating animals – the dolphin. In the first film, we learn about the…
A Navajo Spiritual Leader: Part 2
We often learn that tobacco is something we should avoid at all costs. For the Navajos tobacco is an important part of their culture. They use it in their prayers. How? Watch and learn. Length: 06:12.
A Navajo Spiritual Leader: Part 1
American Indians have many challenges. One of them is losing touch with their culture. Lenny Foster works with American Indian inmates. His job is to give them spiritual counselling using sweat lodge ceremonies, pipe ceremonies and talking circles. He has been doing this for 34 years. Watch this film and get better acquainted with American…
Living in Ferguson, Missouri: Part 1 – A Young Father
Tony is a young man living in Ferguson, Missouri, just outside the city of St Louis. He talks about regular police harassments and how frightened people are becoming by all the violence. Tony has kids, and what is most important for him is to take good care of them. Length: 06:03.
Let’s go Surfin’ in Hawaii
North Shore, in Hawaii is a surfers’ paradise. There are surfing schools on all of the beaches, and this is where the pros go looking for the biggest waves during the winter months. Michael is an experienced surfer and he will tell you the basics of surfing. Let’s start the lesson. Length: 09:57.