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Walkabout Voices

Category: All films

  • Santa Monica Fire Fighters: Part 1

    At the Santa Monica Fire Department’s training location, a group of recruits are practising what they have learnt. All of a sudden there is a real call-out. A plane is in trouble. It turns out to be the famous Hollywood actor Harrison Ford (Indiana Jones, Star Wars etc.) who has crash-landed… Length: 05:46.

  • Aberdeen Highland Games

    If you want to see what Scottish culture, sports, food and music is all about in one single day, go to the Highland Games. There are games all across Scotland in the summer. One of them is the Aberdeen Highland Games. Welcome to the games – enjoy! Length: 13:13.

  • Living in Ferguson, Missouri: Part 1 – A Young Father

    Tony is a young man living in Ferguson, Missouri, just outside the city of St Louis. He talks about regular police harassments and how frightened people are becoming by all the violence. Tony has kids, and what is most important for him is to take good care of them. Length: 06:03.

  • At the Cheetah Conservation Fund: Part 4

    You have probably heard of narcotics dogs and bomb detection dogs but maybe not cheetah scat dogs. It is just amazing what dogs can be trained to do. When Tiger indicates that he has found a cheetah scat, Eli brings it to the laboratory to analyse it. This way the dogs help us find out…

  • Young Aboriginals: Part 1

    Kevina, Cheryl and Charles are three young Aboriginals living in the neighbourhood Redfern just outside the city centre of Sydney. They have all had quite rough lives, growing up in the bush. In this film, they tell us about their lives. Length: 11:50.

  • At a Fashion Shoot in London: Part 1

    Have you ever dreamt of becoming a model? Welcome to a photo shoot in London. Lucinda was scouted and started modelling when she was 14 years old. Then she quit for some years before she started again. She really likes her part time work and she has also learnt to be confident within herself, which…

  • Amy’s Yard: Part 2 – Bex, In Her Own Words

    Bex is a very talented young woman with an incredible voice and a gift for writing music. She has recently finished a 12-week programme at Amy’s Yard where the participants work one-to-one with a professional producer to nurture their talent. In this film she shares with us her passion for music and how important it…

  • At the Dolphin Research Center: Part 1

    In the Florida Keys, more precisely in Grassy Key about an hour’s drive from Miami, you’ll find the Dolphin Research Centre. Thousands of people, most of them school kids or students come every year to learn about one of the planet’s most fascinating animals – the dolphin. In the first film, we learn about the…

  • American Government: Part 1 – The Legislative Branch

    In 1776 America signed the Declaration of Independence and started a war with Britain to win their independence. America emerged victorious and immediately started to plan their own government. At this time most countries had a Monarchy/Royal family who were often powerful tyrants. America wanted a democracy, which was very unusual at the time. The…

  • Reading and Writing: Part 1 – Becoming a Good Reader

    How do we become good readers? Dr Josune (Josie) Urbistondo teaches literature and creative writing at the College of Arts and Sciences in Miami. She speaks about how important it is to use our own life experience when we read literature. There is no right or wrong interpretation, as long as we back up our…