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Walkabout Voices

Category: All films

  • American Government: Part 3 – The Judicial Branch

    The Supreme Court is an important part of the three branches of government. It has the power to influence the politics for decades. The Supreme Court consists of nine justices who are all appointed for life by the President. However, currently there are only eight, despite the fact that the President has appointed a ninth…

  • New Delhi: Living in the Slum

    Santan used to live in the slum. Now he is back to show us what it’s like to be poor in India. Welcome to the home of a family who have no electricity, no running water and no real income. Welcome to an area where diseases are common, life expectancy is extremely short and life…

  • At the Cheetah Conservation Fund Part: 1

    The Cheetah is an endangered species. It is losing its natural habitat and venturing into farmland. Many cheetahs have been killed by farmers while protecting their livestock. The Cheetah Conservation Fund therefore created a programme where they raised guard dogs and gave them to the farmers. They use Anatolian Shepherd Dogs for this purpose. They…

  • At the Cheetah Conservation Fund: Part 2

    Ryan knows the cheetahs very well and can easily tell them apart. Every day he runs them, feeds them and cares for them. Did you know that cheetahs are really picky when it comes to food? Let’s join Ryan and his assistant during some of their daily routines at CCF. Length: 06:35.

  • At the Cheetah Conservation Fund: Part 5

    Paige and Grace are working at the clinic, and they just love it. Paige is an intern for a few months before she starts studying to be a vet. Grace is only twenty but she is a fully qualified, no, we won’t tell you. Watch the film instead and find out for yourself. Length: 07:34.

  • At the Cheetah Conservation Fund: Part 6

    Laurie Marker founded the Cheetah Conservation Fund in 1990, but she has been researching the decline of the cheetah ever since the 1970s. It is therefore safe to say that she has devoted her life to saving this remarkable feline. In this film, she explains how it all started and why it is so important…

  • At a Fashion Shoot in London: Part 2

    The models wouldn’t look the same without the make-up artists. Chloe tells us why she enjoys her work as a make-up artist so much and about the challenge of not being paid. She is doing it to build up her portfolio so that she can make money from her passion in the future. Sophie talks…

  • A Divided Society : Part 1

    Northern Ireland is a beautiful country with an ugly history. Until1998, there were regular battles between Protestants and Catholics and thousands of people have lost their lives. Belfast is the second largest city in Northern Ireland, and even today, a huge wall called the Peace Wall separates the two religious groups. They live in separate…

  • Keep on Rowing: Part 2

    Katie Spotz used to be a bench warmer at high school. A few years later she had run marathons, ultramarathons and ironmen, she had run through the Mojave Desert and swum a 525-kilometre river. However, her most impressive feat, is probably rowing across the Atlantic Ocean single-handed. She organized the expedition to raise money for…

  • A Navajo Spiritual Leader: Part 1

    American Indians have many challenges. One of them is losing touch with their culture. Lenny Foster works with American Indian inmates. His job is to give them spiritual counselling using sweat lodge ceremonies, pipe ceremonies and talking circles. He has been doing this for 34 years. Watch this film and get better acquainted with American…